1. Onto week 2, with 206 to go in 1st Term, & another 20-pic installment of the Visual Week in Review for the @AdvanceGuyNotes community. pic.twitter.com/QNA8PRU11r
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
2. The Roosevelt Room got a big workout all week. Here's "Pool Spray 1" for the week, 1/30, with sm. business leaders as @OMAROSA looks on. pic.twitter.com/W6WSaxhAzF
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
3. As is becoming standard Trump practice, guests shuffle from Roosevelt Room to Oval for an EO signing – this as furor over "ban" raged. pic.twitter.com/fICSaXAvRN
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
4. On Tues, Roosevelt Room is back in action, this time w pharma chiefs, @Merck's Ken Frazier seated strategically next to POTUS. pic.twitter.com/A0zFhgqd7N
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
5. Next into the Roosevelt Room on 1/31, cyber experts, with newly-named National Security Council member Steve Bannon at head of table. pic.twitter.com/0DzYoqYIki
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
6. I did a tweetstorm on 1/31 about the East Room rollout for Gorsuch (check it out), Trump's most "presidential" event of the week. pic.twitter.com/GVitp6tz7I
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
7. I talked about image-enahncers like toe-level robo cams in the Cross Hall, allowing pics like this fr @drewharrer in @dougmillsnyt style. pic.twitter.com/lUbEz8B4F9
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
8. I didn't say much about the 3-screen East Room prompter kit, like this Obama-era shot, allowing POTUS to speak from script unencumbered. pic.twitter.com/ENc0j03kFw
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
9. Gorsuch, a gifted writer, spoke from a text w humor, humility. Makes you miss pre-prompter days. Worth a watch. https://t.co/xJZdgAWfQX pic.twitter.com/q6DhgpHHhW
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
10. Strategic symbolism continues the next day, 2/1, as @NRA's Wayne Lapierre is plopped next to POTUS in Roosevelt Room to buoy the base. pic.twitter.com/KP5pEd34Cs
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
10a. "Our little breakfast" for Black History Month, as Trump called it, was catnip for comedy writers. https://t.co/hd0LLmJE5H pic.twitter.com/E0Poi1SwCi
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
10c. By 2/1, as @Sethmeyers said: "We're < 2 weeks into the Trump Presidency, yet somehow it feels like two years." https://t.co/lHgJofPsXA
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
11. There was mystery as POTUS & @IvankaTrump left Oval on 2/1 for HMX-1 to an "undisclosed location," but the solemn attire told the story. pic.twitter.com/cOMc9xm2ie
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
12. En route Dover, @b_smialowski shows us what a full HMX-1 movement looks like, with Marine 1 & decoy, & two V-22s for USSS & press pool. pic.twitter.com/RfaogEOQib
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
13. Returning to Oval for swearing in of SecState, POTUS wears weight of office on shoulders after repatriation of remains of Ryan Owens. pic.twitter.com/N153IE5Bql
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
14. Many moving parts in Oval for Tillerson swearing-in. 1st: @VP administers oath in front of Resolute Desk (no Barron popping head out)… pic.twitter.com/M2LIy63aqr
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
15. 2nd, remarks by the new SecState, with Ralph E. W. Earl's portrait of Andrew Jackson splitting the distance with POTUS. pic.twitter.com/iih9OVYYPO
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
16. 3rd, the 69th U.S. SecState, Rex Tillerson, at the signing table as the 1st U.S. SecState, Thomas Jefferson (1790-93), looks on. pic.twitter.com/tuN8PHTSgO
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
17. At the Nat. Prayer Bkfst. on 2/2, Trump gets 1st dress rehearsal for the 4/29 WH Corres Dinner at the Int. Ballroom of the Wash Hilton. pic.twitter.com/jKGkLZg4BY
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
18. Finally, South Lawn gets into the act via @drewangerer, the 2/2 setting for @harleydavidson visit, makeup for scrubbed Milwaukee visit. pic.twitter.com/L5b8E4LOWz
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
19. 2/3 First Meeting of business group brokered by Blackstone's Steve Schwarzman in State Dining Room recalls da Vinci's "Last Supper." pic.twitter.com/wWGiuNTkGr
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
20. A long week ends on a beautiful note as @jraedle snaps the First Lady, out of view since Inaugural Weekend, greeting her husband at PBI. pic.twitter.com/hqoLyXaCv5
— Josh King (@Polioptics) February 4, 2017
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