John Feehery, Jim Manley, and Paul Conway are our interview guests this week.
Show produced by Katherine Caperton.
Original Air Date: July 16, 2011 on SiriusXM Satellite Radio “POTUS” Channel 124.
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This week on PoliOptics, brinksmanship, messaging, and “he said” “he said.” We break down the political theater of the debt limit and budget negotiations going on at the White House.
Joining us to discuss the — at times — most vitriolic negotiations of the Obama presidency thus far: two veteran Hill insiders on the strategies and tactics for Congressional leaders being summoned to the Cabinet Room for confabs with the President of the United States.
Republican John Feehery and Democrat Jim Manley join the conversation on Episode 18 of Polioptics.
Starting as a speechwriter, Feehery spent nearly two decades shaping communication strategy for prominent Republican leaders in the U.S. House, serving as communications director for Speaker of the House Denny Hastert and, before that, a senior aide to “The Hammer,” Rep. Tom Delay.
From the other side of the aisle, and other side of the Capitol, Jim Manley served as senior advisor to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for the past six years and, before that, was a long time aide to the late Senator Ted Kennedy.
Feehery and Manly have been involved in some of the biggest negotiations on Capitol Hill over the last two decades and their take on the current to and fro makes for great radio.
After that we talk with the president of Generation Opportunity, Paul Conway, about why and how his new organization aimed at young Americans seems to be gaining traction with that demographic.
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