Episode 37, with guests Evan Thomas, co-author of “Playbook 2012: The Right Fights Back” and Spencer Geissinger, Director of Operations and Advance in the George W Bush Administration

Evan Thomas, co-authored of  “Playbook 2012: The Right Fights Back” and Spencer Geissinger, Director of Operations and Advance in the George W Bush Administration are our guests this week.
Show produced by Katherine Caperton
Original Air Date: December 3, 2011 on SiriusXM Satellite Radio “POTUS” Channel 124
Listen to the show by clicking on the bar above.
Show also available for download on Apple iTunes by clicking here

This week’s PoliOptics radio show on SXM POTUS was a great deal of fun for me personally.  Josh King and I spoke with Evan Thomas in-studio about his new e-book, co-authored with Mike Allen, “Playbook 2012: The Right Fights Back.”   I read the book on the day it was released and found it to be “delicious.”  You will too, I promise. There are so many revealing nuggets and contextual elements – it brought the last few months of polioptics drama on the 2012 campaign trail into sharp relief. Best three dollars I spent this week!

Plus, this interview had personal significance for me.  I had never spoken to Evan on the air before – although I’ve known him, as a neighbor, for more than 20 years.  I was the kid who used to regularly drive down our dead-end street in Northwest Washington DC, “a bit too fast.”  And I remember how I used to slow down by “Mr. Thomas’ house ” so I wouldn’t get another bad look.

Yeah — it was very cool to have “Mr. Thomas” on the show.

But wait there’s more…

Our second guest, Spencer Geissinger (icon of a presidential advance man and dear friend of mine) joined Josh and me in-studio to discuss his experiences creating presidential visuals — on opposite ends of the perfectionist’s extreme — from Ronald Reagan to Jon Huntsman.  Spence was Director of Operations and Advance for President George W Bush when I served in the administration.  I had the privilege of traveling with him to 25 countries around the world in 16 months on behalf of the United States.  It was the most fun I have ever had.

Since W went back to Texas, Spence has, among other things, helped get Rick Scott elected Governor of Florida and launch the  Jon Huntsman for President campaign.  We talk about all of that on the show and also share a few insider stories of our time on the road.

Enjoy the show!

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