Joe Lockhart and Josh Gottheimer are our guests this week.
Show produced by Katherine Caperton.
Original Air Date: September 8, 2012 on SiriusXM “POTUS” Channel 124.
Polioptics airs regularly on POTUS on Saturdays at 6 am, 12 noon and 6 pm.
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Having just returned from Charlotte, our 70th episode features conversations two of the Democratic Party’s most revered wise men, former White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart and former White House Speechwriter Josh Gottheimer. We talked about Romney and Ryan, Obama and Biden, and their supporting cast: Christie and Rice, Eastwood and Kerry, Bill Clinton (of course) and and maybe just a little Jennifer Granholm.
Joe and Josh were both, as they say, “on the plane” with President Clinton and, during the 2004 election, with Senator John Kerry, facing down these next two months in the fights of their lives.
As Romney and Obama conclude their conventions in Tampa and Charlotte and return to the campaign trail this weekend, what lies on the road ahead? Joe and Josh were perfect interlocutors to the question.
And if 2012 is one of those elections where the fundamental question is whether we’ll rehire the incumbent, we also spent a little time looking toward the blue skies of 2016, a wide open race and a new generation of talent waiting in the wings. Rubio? Castro? Christie? Cuomo? Ryan? Emanuel? Booker? Villaraigosa? And if they aren’t yet ready to cede the center stage, what about some of the legacy names: Bush, Biden and Clinton?
And what about Bloomberg?
Tune in to find out.
But for now, stand aside and let the Big Dog eat.
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