Mo Elleithee and Ralph Alswang are our guests this week.
Show produced by Katherine Caperton.
Original Air Date: June 14, 2014 on SiriusXM “POTUS” Channel 124.
Polioptics airs on POTUS on Saturdays at 8 am & 6 pm, Sundays at 4 am & 5 pm and Mondays at 2 am.
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Eric Cantor’s primary loss shocked political Washington this week, and it left Democrats in a quandary – do they celebrate the embarrassing loss by a Majority Leader who had helped to scuttle some of President Obama’s most important proposals, or should they fear the implications of the Tea Party taking its biggest scalp yet?
Well we went right to the source to find out. Mo Elleithee is Communications Director of the Democratic National Committee and a veteran of 17 years in the partisan political trenches. He was traveling press secretary for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 bid, and—most importantly, in my view—worked as the New Hampshire Press Secretary of Wes Clark’s campaign when I was the Clark Communications Director. Mo provides a fresh and insightful take on the Cantor news and its implications, as well as on the Republican efforts to rebrand their Party and the prospects of another Hillary for President campaign.
Also on the show today is Ralph Alswang. Ralph worked as a photographer for Newsweek and Reuters for many years, and then he crossed to the other side of the rope-line to serve for eight years at the Clinton White House as the President and First Lady’s official documentary photographer. That job took him to every state in the Union and to more than 60 countries. He also served as official photographer on the Hillary Clinton 2008 campaign, though he’s making no promises about a repeat performance in either capacity.
Ralph was an eye-witness to history in truly extraordinary ways. He offers us a fascinating insider’s take on the issues at the very heart of Polioptics.
Photo by Ralph Alswang
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