1. It's Week 13 of the Visual Week in Review, boys and girls! Ready… Set… Go! pic.twitter.com/LVsD5JiLbs
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
2. I don't care who's president, there's nothing so lush as April's flowering wisteria on the South Portico with the Marine Band playing. pic.twitter.com/eBS0N5TaQh
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
3. Yes, on 4/14, there was an Easter Egg Roll, and POTUS seemed to lean in…enough. pic.twitter.com/NdGnondtg2
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
4. Happens every year. @MadeleineinDC had one of the many preview pieces showing Easter Egg Rolls through the ages. https://t.co/ZE7rOcX6ZN
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
5. Trump held a letter he wrote in his short fingers. No, it wasn't addressed to @KBAndersen or Gradydon Carter. pic.twitter.com/9xaJL78zK2
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
6. The germaphobe seemed to give it a long second thought. https://t.co/oLjYol87H3 pic.twitter.com/PUOuoxhWZH
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
7. A man with intimacy issues. pic.twitter.com/sb1HJ9P5VT
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
8. Arriving in Kenosha on 4/18, Gov. Walker gives Trump a "Make the Bucks Great Again" hat & uni. @PhilHecken doesn't want him to put it on. pic.twitter.com/kuCsoHeDKj
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
9. First time I've seen Trump use the VH-60N version of Marine 1, here arriving in Kenosha. It folds up into a C-17, so easier to travel. pic.twitter.com/Z3LqZeX8tQ
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
10. Props to @GGigicos & his props. The whole visit to @Snapon_Tools looked just fine through the lens. Here, the obligatory tour… pic.twitter.com/eASkzQDYfM
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
11. From the buffer, on message with simple signage against blue drape above the tool flag. But geez, get rid of the colonoscope mic! pic.twitter.com/nvMRlW3eMd
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
12. And yeah, my friends know I'd want me one of those @Snapon_Tools tool trays for my mountain garage, so Trumpy gets another picture. pic.twitter.com/wEPmWp7mR1
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
14. There was a great set-up for the EO signing, then it got mucked up by all the pols in their suits. And Mnuchin! pic.twitter.com/m08SjwucvE
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
15. On 4/19, Trump signed S. 544 in Roosevelt Room. Putin has Arctic Circle. Kim Jong-un has big missiles. Trump holds up sheets of paper. pic.twitter.com/x9vxTGd7KS
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
16. Meanwhile, a tanned, rested, and ready Barack Obama returned home from Tahiti. https://t.co/1hYwV2LA4P
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
17. My N.E. Patriots stopped by White House on 4/19 & I have absolutely nothing critical to say about it. Get a 6th Lombardi next year boys! pic.twitter.com/3gJsj3IHHY
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
18. Then, of course, Trump makes a photo essay & needles Bush 43 & Obama in a tweet by boasting that only he gave the Pats a residence tour https://t.co/bFuLThQ1he
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
19. Italian P.M. Paolo Gentiloni visited on 4/20 and Trump took his standing afternoon nap. pic.twitter.com/5CNCZilDVK
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
20. @saulloeb got his camera with a remote shutter on the rear lip of the East Room stage for a nice rear shot. pic.twitter.com/6W0MVBXuPK
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
21. Look ma, no hands!: You can see all of the remote-fired cameras sitting on the back of the stage to make the shot. pic.twitter.com/pXIUZrW8Hz
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
22. @petemarovich was positioned with the pool for a quality two-shot of Mnuchin & Trump walking down the hall of Treasury, motion to camera pic.twitter.com/NFCUZoIwa4
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
23. I know, I know, @Lin_Manuel, Hamilton's rolling in grave at Trinity Church Cemetery to be made in this 2-shot, but props to @shawnthew! pic.twitter.com/i75l45FZ7N
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
24. The week had some hiccups. Laying out the WH welcome mat for crackpot wing of the Entertainment Right was one. Show respect. pic.twitter.com/uWJ9GWLRQj
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
25. And today is Earth Day, with nothing listed on POTUS schedule, a departure from Clinton, Bush, Obama precedent. Sad! pic.twitter.com/GIDS9NfgD7
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
26. Heading home to WH after the long walk to the Treasury, overall Trump ends week 13 with a solid showing proving, again, less is more. pic.twitter.com/6UQo84yGZY
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
27. That's it for Week 13 of VWIR, the last before the 100-Day mark. Keep your eyes on the visual, & maybe there'll be a surprise next week. pic.twitter.com/ur6mhcyDPN
— Josh King (@Polioptics) April 22, 2017
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