Sam Donaldson is our interview guest this week.
Show produced by Katherine Caperton
Original Air Date: April 9, 2011 on SiriusXM Satellite Radio “POTUS” Channel 124. Click above to listen.
On this episode of PoliOptics radio on Sirius XM, Adam Belmar sits down with one of the legends of broadcasting, Sam Donaldson, a
guy that Adam and I grew up with every evening in three minute chunks. Talking with Sam — who spent a whole hour with Polioptics Radio — is like traveling back in time to the day with Frank Reynolds in Washington, Peter Jennings in London and Max Robinson in Chicago brought us the news in and around our family dinner.
Donaldson was, of course, ABC News Chief White House Correspondent from 1977 through 1989, encompassing the breadth of the Carter and Reagan Years. He returned to the White House beat for another stint from January 1998 through August 1999, getting a full taste of the Clinton years from the first headlines of the Lewinsky story through the conclusion of impeachment proceedings.
Few living witnesses of Polioptics come loaded with more war stories of covering 1600 Pennsylvania than Sam. Click on the link above and have a listen.
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