Bob Wheelock and George Gigicos are our guests this week.
Show produced by Katherine Caperton.
Original Air Date: February 3, 2013 on SiriusXM “POTUS” Channel 124.
Polioptics airs regularly on POTUS on Saturdays at 6 am, 12 noon and 6 pm.
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Our guests this week Bob Wheelock, executive producer of news gathering at Al Jazeera English, on the changes ahead for the network following its acquisition of Current TV. And George Gigicos, founder and president of Telion Corp., on his work spanning decades as a GOP advance man.
If you’re a fan of this show, I hope you’ll leave us a note and a like our Facebook page It is one of my great joys in doing this show with Josh King, that I’m able to introduce all of you to the most amazing visual communications professionals I know. Friends all, they have mentored me, managed me, and propelled me forward in my career here in Washington D.C.
Our first guest, Bob Wheelock, is currently the Executive Producer for Newsgathering at Al Jazeera English.
What that means is, Bob is the big boss and at the helm of one of the most technologically advanced, well-funded, and growing news gathering organizations on the planet. Niice.
Bob also happens to be the guy that gave me my big break in TV News. He was “that guy” for so many people. He still is today and that’s why we are so lucky to have him on the show this week.
“Wheels” or “Bobby,” as some people at ABC News used to call him, is literally building an army of talented visual story tellers (see: they’re hiring). Seriously — if you or someone you know is a comer in the news game right now – Wheelock is the guy to know.
In February 2012, the guy who had done nearly ever big job you’d want to do and won a ton of major awards, found his “next big thing” and took on the leadershipchallengeof a lifetime.
This is Bob’s first extended conversation on the air about AJE.
He is, as ever, eloquent and perfectly candid.
Our second guest, George Gigicos, is veteran political operative with a sterling reputation.
He only has one speed: go!
George is the engine in the boat at the strategic communications and event firm Telion Corp, based in southern Florida. He’s been a GOP Advance man since the days George H W Bush was VPOTUS. His experiences on behalf of the US government around the globe are a fun part of this discussion. So to are his insights into his most recent time on the road working advance for the Romney campaign.
Here are some fun pics from George’s time in the business — including one with me in Egypt in 2008.
- George’s work as site lead for Mitt Romney’s visit to Warsaw University in Poland – summer 2012
- George’s work in Warsaw, Poland in the summer of 2012 with the Romney campaign.
About TELION: a comprehensive public relations, media affairs and event management consulting firm offering clients a wide range of support services. Telion partners with corporations, associations, government, political and religious entities to successfully assist in the management of their meetings, conferences, incentive programs and special events. Their expertise in communication strategies, crisis management, digital media, VIP advance operations & logistical support is unsurpassed. George Gigicos, TelionCorp, Boca Raton, Florida 33231, 561-400-3604.
I know you will enjoy these two conversations… And when you do –drop us a few words on FB
Thanks, AB
Always a job well done by George ….